We’re headed towards an unprecedented recession. The root cause analysis shows that the fragility and volatility of our value systems is caused by the disconnected worlds of paper and real (or: physical) value. The opaque trading floors of complex derivatives ,invite nearly unlimited risk taking and frankly, rampant fraud to our economy. An invite that has been picked up with gusto. As no one can tell what will crash first: the stock exchange, fiat money, real estate or other bubbles: the real hedge is investments in owned, physical assets like our natural resources, factories, machines and people. And ultimately in our most personal ‘bearer assets’ – our health, families and autonomy.
Voor iedereen die zich nog niet in een donkere grot heeft teruggetrokken, is het geen verrassing dat er economisch zwaar weer op komst is. Weinigen beseffen echter hoe ernstig de recessie zal worden en vooral – hoe beperkt we ons erop kunnen voorbereiden. Wat is er aan …